Uncia Loan Origination System (LOS) is a breakthrough tech framework of three components, designed to complement deep industry knowledge with agile solution building,
without the need to write a code.

Universal Data Set (UDS)

A comprehensive universal data set of unique data elements covering the whole gamut of most verticals, complete with all validations.

Agile App Builder

A disruptive Low code/No code lab environment that quickly helps you build needful work scenarios through a drag and drop of key elements from the UDS, coupled with configurable workflows.

Credit Configurator

A power-packed tool to revolutionize credit assessment across the whole range of formulaic analysis. Our progressive filtering mechanism helps you quickly arrive at Go/No-Go decisions, quickly enabling escalation or human intervention, as and when needed.


  • Start with a vertical-specific App and rapidly achieve your required configuration and workflow with our Agile App Builder. Move on to incorporate your own Credit assessment criteria and interactively embed them in our Credit Configurator.
  • An intuitive user interface with configurable dashboards that enables users to review loan application status at the click of a button.
  • Most frequently used views can be easily configured on a dashboard enabling quick and easy access.
  • Processing activities can be promptly assigned to specific individuals in line with configurable business rules.
  • UNCIA Lending Origination System (LOS) also alerts concerned people to complete an activity in an assigned time failing which automatically escalation is made to higher levels.
  • UNCIA’s Lending Origination System (LOS) loan sanction workflow covers the entire range of operations from Lead and Prospect initiation to Loan sanction.

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